用DirectX Audio和DirectShow播放声音和音乐(4)


“通告”是一种触发机制,当缓存中播放位置达到某个固定的位置时,就会向程序发出通知。有了通告,就可以知道播放什么时候结束,这种机制在比较长的声音中特别有效。通告使用一个叫做 IDirectSoundNotify8的对象,这个程序的作用就是在音频缓存中标记一个位置,然后触发事件通知应用程序,而应用程序可以通过消息循环或者单独的线程进行处理。

标记的位置可以是一个缓存中的偏移值,也可以是由宏指定的停止标记,这个表示停止的宏是 DSBPN_OFFSETSTOP。并不是任何偏移值都可以用来作为通告发生的位置,这个值必须和音频的数据块对齐,并且通告的偏移必须按照从小到大的顺序排列。偏移值是不能够共享的,如果使用 DSBPN_OFFSETSTOP宏,它必须被放在最后。举例来说,对于一个块大小为2的音频(单声道、16位),尝试对偏移为4和5的位置设通告会导致失败,因为偏移量位置4和5都在同一个数据块中。

如果要在缓存中使用通告,必须在创建缓存的时候使用 DSBCAPS_CTRLPOSITIONNOTIFY标志,并且如果在创建缓存的过程中使用了这个标志,就必须使用通告对象。如果希望获取 IDirectSoundNotify8对象,可以在IDirectSoundBuffer8对象中通过请求接口来获得。

 IDirectSound8*          g_ds;           // directsound component

// create main sound buffer
    if(FAILED(g_ds->CreateSoundBuffer(&ds_buffer_desc, &ds_buffer_primary, NULL)))
return NULL;

// get newer interface
    if(FAILED(ds_buffer_primary->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8, (void**)&ds_buffer_second)))
return NULL;


The SetNotificationPositions method sets the notification positions. During capture or playback, whenever the read or play cursor reaches one of the specified offsets, the associated event is signaled.

HRESULT SetNotificationPositions(
DWORD dwPositionNotifies,


Number of DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY structures.
Pointer to an array of DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY structures (the maximum array size is DSBNOTIFICATIONS_MAX).

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is DS_OK. If the method fails, the return value may be one of the following error values:

Return code


The value DSBPN_OFFSETSTOP can be specified in the dwOffset member to tell DirectSound to signal the associated event when the Stop or Stop method is called or when the end of the buffer has been reached and the playback is not looping. If it is used, this should be the last item in the position-notify array.

If a position-notify array has already been set, the method replaces the previous array.

The buffer must be stopped when this method is called.


The DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY structure describes a notification position. It is used by IDirectSoundNotify8::SetNotificationPositions.

typedef struct DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY {
DWORD dwOffset;
HANDLE hEventNotify;


Offset from the beginning of the buffer where the notify event is to be triggered, or DSBPN_OFFSETSTOP.
Handle to the event to be signaled when the offset has been reached.


The DSBPN_OFFSETSTOP value in the dwOffset member causes the event to be signaled when playback or capture stops, either because the end of the buffer has been reached (and playback or capture is not looping) or because the application called the IDirectSoundBuffer8::Stop or IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8::Stop method.

>When a playback buffer was created with DSBCAPS_LOCDEFER and DSBCAPS_CTRLPOSITIONNOTIFY along with any voice management flag, it is possible that a sound that has notifications set, but not yet reached, will be terminated by the voice manager. In this case, no event is signaled.


The CreateEvent function creates or opens a named or unnamed event object.
HANDLE CreateEvent(
BOOL bManualReset,
BOOL bInitialState,


[in] Pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that determines whether the returned handle can be inherited by child processes. If lpEventAttributes is NULL, the handle cannot be inherited.

The lpSecurityDescriptor member of the structure specifies a security descriptor for the new event. If lpEventAttributes is NULL, the event gets a default security descriptor. The ACLs in the default security descriptor for an event come from the primary or impersonation token of the creator.

[in] If this parameter is TRUE, the function creates a manual-reset event object, which requires the use of the ResetEvent function to set the event state to nonsignaled. If this parameter is FALSE, the function creates an auto-reset event object, and system automatically resets the event state to nonsignaled after a single waiting thread has been released.
[in] If this parameter is TRUE, the initial state of the event object is signaled; otherwise, it is nonsignaled.
[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the event object. The name is limited to MAX_PATH characters. Name comparison is case sensitive.

If lpName matches the name of an existing named event object, this function requests the EVENT_ALL_ACCESS access right. In this case, the bManualReset and bInitialState parameters are ignored because they have already been set by the creating process. If the lpEventAttributes parameter is not NULL, it determines whether the handle can be inherited, but its security-descriptor member is ignored.

If lpName is NULL, the event object is created without a name.

If lpName matches the name of an existing semaphore, mutex, waitable timer, job, or file-mapping object, the function fails and the GetLastError function returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE. This occurs because these objects share the same name space.

Terminal Services:   The name can have a "Global\" or "Local\" prefix to explicitly create the object in the global or session name space. The remainder of the name can contain any character except the backslash character (\). For more information, see Kernel Object Namespaces.
Windows XP:   Fast user switching is implemented using Terminal Services sessions. The first user to log on uses session 0, the next user to log on uses session 1, and so on. Kernel object names must follow the guidelines outlined for Terminal Services so that applications can support multiple users.
Windows 2000:   If Terminal Services is not running, the "Global\" and "Local\" prefixes are ignored. The remainder of the name can contain any character except the backslash character.
Windows NT:  The name can contain any character except the backslash character.
Windows Me/98/95:   The name can contain any character except the backslash character. The empty string ("") is a valid object name.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the event object. If the named event object existed before the function call, the function returns a handle to the existing object and GetLastError returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS.

If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The handle returned by CreateEvent has the EVENT_ALL_ACCESS access right; it can be used in any function that requires a handle to an event object, provided that the caller has been granted access. If an event is created from a service or a thread that is impersonating a different user, you can either apply a security descriptor to the event when you create it, or change the default security descriptor for the creating process by changing its default DACL. For more information, see Synchronization Object Security and Access Rights.

Any thread of the calling process can specify the event-object handle in a call to one of the wait functions. The single-object wait functions return when the state of the specified object is signaled. The multiple-object wait functions can be instructed to return either when any one or when all of the specified objects are signaled. When a wait function returns, the waiting thread is released to continue its execution.

The initial state of the event object is specified by the bInitialState parameter. Use the SetEvent function to set the state of an event object to signaled. Use the ResetEvent function to reset the state of an event object to nonsignaled.

When the state of a manual-reset event object is signaled, it remains signaled until it is explicitly reset to nonsignaled by the ResetEvent function. Any number of waiting threads, or threads that subsequently begin wait operations for the specified event object, can be released while the object's state is signaled.

When the state of an auto-reset event object is signaled, it remains signaled until a single waiting thread is released; the system then automatically resets the state to nonsignaled. If no threads are waiting, the event object's state remains signaled.

Multiple processes can have handles of the same event object, enabling use of the object for interprocess synchronization. The following object-sharing mechanisms are available:

  • A child process created by the CreateProcess function can inherit a handle to an event object if the lpEventAttributes parameter of CreateEvent enabled inheritance.
  • A process can specify the event-object handle in a call to the DuplicateHandle function to create a duplicate handle that can be used by another process.
  • A process can specify the name of an event object in a call to the OpenEvent or CreateEvent function.

Use the CloseHandle function to close the handle. The system closes the handle automatically when the process terminates. The event object is destroyed when its last handle has been closed.


HANDLE  g_events[4];        // notification handles
DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY   pos_notify[4];

// create the event handles and set the notifications
    for(long i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// create an unnamed event object
        g_events[i] = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);

= 16384 * (i+1- 1;
= g_events[i];

// set the notification position
// During capture or playback, whenever the read or play cursor reached one of the specified offsets,
// the associated event is signaled.
    g_ds_notify->SetNotificationPositions(4, pos_notify);


The WaitForMultipleObjects function returns when any one or all of the specified objects are in the signaled state or the time-out interval elapses.

To enter an alertable wait state, use the WaitForMultipleObjectsEx function.

DWORD WaitForMultipleObjects(
DWORD nCount,
const HANDLE* lpHandles,
BOOL bWaitAll,
DWORD dwMilliseconds


[in] Number of object handles in the array pointed to by lpHandles. The maximum number of object handles is MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS.
[in] Pointer to an array of object handles. For a list of the object types whose handles can be specified, see the following Remarks section. The array can contain handles to objects of different types. It may not contain the multiple copies of the same handle.

If one of these handles is closed while the wait is still pending, the function's behavior is undefined.

The handles must have the SYNCHRONIZE access right. For more information, see Standard Access Rights.

Windows Me/98/95:  No handle may be a duplicate of another handle created using DuplicateHandle.
[in] If this parameter is TRUE, the function returns when the state of all objects in the lpHandles array is signaled. If FALSE, the function returns when the state of any one of the objects is set to signaled. In the latter case, the return value indicates the object whose state caused the function to return.
[in] Time-out interval, in milliseconds. The function returns if the interval elapses, even if the conditions specified by the bWaitAll parameter are not met. If dwMilliseconds is zero, the function tests the states of the specified objects and returns immediately. If dwMilliseconds is INFINITE, the function's time-out interval never elapses.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value indicates the event that caused the function to return. It can be one of the following values. (Note that WAIT_OBJECT_0 is defined as 0 and WAIT_ABANDONED_0 is defined as 0x00000080L.)

Return code/value Description

WAIT_OBJECT_0 to (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + nCount– 1)
If bWaitAll is TRUE, the return value indicates that the state of all specified objects is signaled.

If bWaitAll is FALSE, the return value minus WAIT_OBJECT_0 indicates the lpHandles array index of the object that satisfied the wait. If more than one object became signaled during the call, this is the array index of the signaled object with the smallest index value of all the signaled objects.

If bWaitAll is TRUE, the return value indicates that the state of all specified objects is signaled and at least one of the objects is an abandoned mutex object.

If bWaitAll is FALSE, the return value minus WAIT_ABANDONED_0 indicates the lpHandles array index of an abandoned mutex object that satisfied the wait.

The time-out interval elapsed and the conditions specified by the bWaitAll parameter are not satisfied.

If the function fails, the return value is WAIT_FAILED. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

WaitForMultipleObjects函数可以同时等待64个对象,请确定自己的对象数目小于这个最大值。在没有接收到任何事件的情况下,函数可能会返回WAIT_FAILED,遇到这种情况,只需要再调用一次这个函数,就能恢复正常。取得 WaitForMultipleObjects函数的返回值就能够获取事件号。获取到事件号后,用这个数字减去 WAIT_OBJECT_0,得到的结果就是触发的事件索引号,这个值的范围从0到事件总数减1。


HANDLE  g_events[4];        // notification handles

// wait for a message
// return when any one or all of the specified objects are in the signaled state or the time-out 
// interval elapses.
DWORD result = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(4, g_events, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLEVENTS);

// get notification #
DWORD thread_index = result - WAIT_OBJECT_0;



The CreateThread function creates a thread to execute within the virtual address space of the calling process.

To create a thread that runs in the virtual address space of another process, use the CreateRemoteThread function.

HANDLE CreateThread(
SIZE_T dwStackSize,
LPVOID lpParameter,
DWORD dwCreationFlags,
LPDWORD lpThreadId


[in] Pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that determines whether the returned handle can be inherited by child processes. If lpThreadAttributes is NULL, the handle cannot be inherited.

The lpSecurityDescriptor member of the structure specifies a security descriptor for the new thread. If lpThreadAttributes is NULL, the thread gets a default security descriptor. The ACLs in the default security descriptor for a thread come from the primary token of the creator.

Windows XP/2000/NT:  The ACLs in the default security descriptor for a thread come from the primary or impersonation token of the creator. This behavior changed with Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003.

[in] Initial size of the stack, in bytes. The system rounds this value to the nearest page. If this parameter is zero, the new thread uses the default size for the executable. For more information, see Thread Stack Size.
[in] Pointer to the application-defined function to be executed by the thread and represents the starting address of the thread. For more information on the thread function, see ThreadProc.
[in] Pointer to a variable to be passed to the thread.
[in] Flags that control the creation of the thread. If the CREATE_SUSPENDED flag is specified, the thread is created in a suspended state, and will not run until the ResumeThread function is called. If this value is zero, the thread runs immediately after creation.

If the STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION flag is specified, the dwStackSize parameter specifies the initial reserve size of the stack. Otherwise, dwStackSize specifies the commit size.

Windows 2000/NT and Windows Me/98/95:  The STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION flag is not supported.
[out] Pointer to a variable that receives the thread identifier. If this parameter is NULL, the thread identifier is not returned.
Windows Me/98/95:  This parameter may not be NULL.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the new thread.

If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

Note that CreateThread may succeed even if lpStartAddress points to data, code, or is not accessible. If the start address is invalid when the thread runs, an exception occurs, and the thread terminates. Thread termination due to a invalid start address is handled as an error exit for the thread's process. This behavior is similar to the asynchronous nature of CreateProcess, where the process is created even if it refers to invalid or missing dynamic-link libraries (DLLs).

Windows Me/98/95:  CreateThread succeeds only when it is called in the context of a 32-bit program. A 32-bit DLL cannot create an additional thread when that DLL is being called by a 16-bit program.


The ThreadProc function is an application-defined function that serves as the starting address for a thread. Specify this address when calling the CreateThread or CreateRemoteThread function. The LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE type defines a pointer to this callback function. ThreadProc is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.
LPVOID lpParameter


[in] Thread data passed to the function using the lpParameter parameter of the CreateThread or CreateRemoteThread function.

Return Values

The function should return a value that indicates its success or failure.


A process can determine when a thread it created has completed by using one of the wait functions. It can also obtain the return value of its ThreadProc by calling the GetExitCodeThread function.

Each thread receives a unique copy of the local variables of this function. Any static or global variables are shared by all threads in the process. To provide unique data to each thread using a global index, use thread local storage.


HANDLE  g_thread_handle;    // thread handle
DWORD   g_thread_id;        // thread id

// create a thread for notifications
g_thread_handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) Handle_Notifications, NULL, 0&g_thread_id);

DWORD Handle_Notifications(LPVOID thread_data)
// thread function to handle notification event 








IDirectSound8*          g_ds;           // directsound component
IDirectSoundBuffer8*    g_ds_buffer;    // sound buffer object
IDirectSoundNotify8*    g_ds_notify;    // notification object

HANDLE  g_thread_handle;    
// thread handle
DWORD   g_thread_id;        // thread id
HANDLE  g_events[4];        // notification handles
FILE*   g_fp;               // .WAV file handle
long    g_ds_size;          // directsound data buffer size
long    g_ds_pos;           // current directsound buffer position
long    g_ds_leave;         // leave directsound buffer data needed to be played

// Handle directsound nofification evenet, just stream load sound buffer.
DWORD Handle_Notifications(LPVOID thread_data)
// wait for a message
// return when any one or all of the specified objects are in the signaled state or the time-out 
// interval elapses.
        DWORD result = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(4, g_events, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLEVENTS);

// get notification #
        DWORD thread_index = result - WAIT_OBJECT_0;

// check for update #
        if(thread_index >= 0 && thread_index < 4)
// stop sound and quit thread if no more
            if(g_ds_leave == 0)

// seek to read position in file
            fseek(g_fp, g_ds_pos, SEEK_SET);

// stream in data based on amount of data left
            if(g_ds_leave <= 16384)
// if this is reached, then end of sound is coming up.
                Load_Sound_Data(g_ds_buffer, thread_index * 16384, g_ds_leave, g_fp);

= 0;
                Load_Sound_Data(g_ds_buffer, thread_index 
* 1638465536, g_fp);

// reset directsound buffer leave and current position
                g_ds_leave -= 16384;
+= 16384;

return 0;

// Play WAVE file sound which specified by filename.
void Play_Stream_Sound(char* filename)
    DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY   pos_notify[
    WAVE_HEADER         wave_header;

// open the source file
    if((g_fp = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL)

// create a 2 second buffer to stream in wave
    if((g_ds_buffer = Create_Buffer_From_WAV(g_fp, &wave_header)) == NULL)

// get streaming size and pointer
    g_ds_size   = wave_header.data_size;
= sizeof(WAVE_HEADER);
= g_ds_size;

// create a thread for notifications
    g_thread_handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) Handle_Notifications, NULL, 0&g_thread_id);
// create failed
    if(g_thread_handle == NULL)    
// create the notification interface
    if(FAILED(g_ds_buffer->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectSoundNotify8, (void**)&g_ds_notify)))

// create the event handles and set the notifications
    for(long i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// create an unnamed event object
        g_events[i] = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);

= 16384 * (i+1- 1;
= g_events[i];

// set the notification position
// During capture or playback, whenever the read or play cursor reached one of the specified offsets,
// the associated event is signaled.
    g_ds_notify->SetNotificationPositions(4, pos_notify);

// fill buffer completely with sound

// advance file pointer to data buffer's head
    fseek(g_fp, sizeof(WAVE_HEADER), SEEK_SET);

// load sound buffer data with 65536 bytes
    Load_Sound_Data(g_ds_buffer, 065536, g_fp);

// reset leave sound buffer and current sound buffer position
    g_ds_leave -= 65536;
+= 65536;

// play sound looping




    Streaming Playback Demo


#pragma comment(lib, 
#pragma comment(lib, 

#pragma warning(disable : 

#define Safe_Release(p) if((p)) (p)->Release();

// .WAV file header
char    riff_sig[4];            // 'RIFF'
    long    waveform_chunk_size;    // 8
    char    wave_sig[4];            // 'WAVE'
    char    format_sig[4];          // 'fmt ' (notice space after)
    long    format_chunk_size;      // 16;
    short   format_tag;             // WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
    short   channels;               // # of channels
    long    sample_rate;            // sampling rate
    long    bytes_per_sec;          // bytes per second
    short   block_align;            // sample block alignment
    short   bits_per_sample;        // bits per second
    char    data_sig[4];            // 'data'
    long    data_size;              // size of waveform data

// window handles, class.
HWND g_hwnd;
char g_class_name[] = "StreamClass";

*          g_ds;           // directsound component
IDirectSoundBuffer8*    g_ds_buffer;    // sound buffer object
IDirectSoundNotify8*    g_ds_notify;    // notification object

HANDLE  g_thread_handle;    
// thread handle
DWORD   g_thread_id;        // thread id
HANDLE  g_events[4];        // notification handles
FILE*   g_fp;               // .WAV file handle
long    g_ds_size;          // directsound data buffer size
long    g_ds_pos;           // current directsound buffer position
long    g_ds_leave;         // leave directsound buffer data needed to be played

// Create wave header information from wave file.
IDirectSoundBuffer8* Create_Buffer_From_WAV(FILE* fp, WAVE_HEADER* wave_header)
*     ds_buffer_primary;
*    ds_buffer_second;    
    DSBUFFERDESC            ds_buffer_desc;
    WAVEFORMATEX            wave_format;

// read in the header from beginning of file
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
1sizeof(WAVE_HEADER), fp);

// check the sig fields. returning if an error.
    if(memcmp(wave_header->riff_sig, "RIFF"4|| memcmp(wave_header->wave_sig, "WAVE"4||
->format_sig, "fmt "4|| memcmp(wave_header->data_sig, "data"4))
return NULL;

// setup the playback format
    ZeroMemory(&wave_format, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));

= wave_header->channels;
= wave_header->sample_rate;
= wave_header->bits_per_sample;
= wave_format.wBitsPerSample / 8 * wave_format.nChannels;
= wave_format.nSamplesPerSec * wave_format.nBlockAlign;

// create the sound buffer using the header data
    ZeroMemory(&ds_buffer_desc, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC));

= 65536;
= &wave_format;

// create main sound buffer
    if(FAILED(g_ds->CreateSoundBuffer(&ds_buffer_desc, &ds_buffer_primary, NULL)))
return NULL;

// get newer interface
    if(FAILED(ds_buffer_primary->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8, (void**)&ds_buffer_second)))
return NULL;

// return the interface
    return ds_buffer_second;

// Load sound data from second directsound buffer.
BOOL Load_Sound_Data(IDirectSoundBuffer8* ds_buffer, long lock_pos, long lock_size, FILE* fp)
* ptr1;
* ptr2;
    DWORD size1, size2;

if(lock_size == 0)
return FALSE;

// lock the sound buffer at position specified
    if(FAILED(ds_buffer->Lock(lock_pos, lock_size, (void**)&ptr1, &size1, (void**)&ptr2, &size2, 0)))
return FALSE;

// read in the data
    fread(ptr1, 1, size1, fp);

if(ptr2 != NULL)
1, size2, fp);

// unlock it
    ds_buffer->Unlock(ptr1, size1, ptr2, size2);

return TRUE;

// Handle directsound nofification evenet, just stream load sound buffer.
DWORD Handle_Notifications(LPVOID thread_data)
// wait for a message
// return when any one or all of the specified objects are in the signaled state or the time-out 
// interval elapses.
        DWORD result = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(4, g_events, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLEVENTS);

// get notification #
        DWORD thread_index = result - WAIT_OBJECT_0;

// check for update #
        if(thread_index >= 0 && thread_index < 4)
// stop sound and quit thread if no more
            if(g_ds_leave == 0)

// seek to read position in file
            fseek(g_fp, g_ds_pos, SEEK_SET);

// stream in data based on amount of data left
            if(g_ds_leave <= 16384)
// if this is reached, then end of sound is coming up.
                Load_Sound_Data(g_ds_buffer, thread_index * 16384, g_ds_leave, g_fp);

= 0;
                Load_Sound_Data(g_ds_buffer, thread_index 
* 1638465536, g_fp);

// reset directsound buffer leave and current position
                g_ds_leave -= 16384;
+= 16384;

return 0;

// Play WAVE file sound which specified by filename.
void Play_Stream_Sound(char* filename)
    DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY   pos_notify[
    WAVE_HEADER         wave_header;

// open the source file
    if((g_fp = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL)

// create a 2 second buffer to stream in wave
    if((g_ds_buffer = Create_Buffer_From_WAV(g_fp, &wave_header)) == NULL)

// get streaming size and pointer
    g_ds_size   = wave_header.data_size;
= sizeof(WAVE_HEADER);
= g_ds_size;

// create a thread for notifications
    g_thread_handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) Handle_Notifications, NULL, 0&g_thread_id);
// create failed
    if(g_thread_handle == NULL)    
// create the notification interface
    if(FAILED(g_ds_buffer->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectSoundNotify8, (void**)&g_ds_notify)))

// create the event handles and set the notifications
    for(long i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// create an unnamed event object
        g_events[i] = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);

= 16384 * (i+1- 1;
= g_events[i];

// set the notification position
// During capture or playback, whenever the read or play cursor reached one of the specified offsets,
// the associated event is signaled.
    g_ds_notify->SetNotificationPositions(4, pos_notify);

// fill buffer completely with sound

// advance file pointer to data buffer's head
    fseek(g_fp, sizeof(WAVE_HEADER), SEEK_SET);

// load sound buffer data with 65536 bytes
    Load_Sound_Data(g_ds_buffer, 065536, g_fp);

// reset leave sound buffer and current sound buffer position
    g_ds_leave -= 65536;
+= 65536;

// play sound looping

// Window procedure.
long WINAPI Window_Proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return 0;

return (long) DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);

// Main function, routine entry.
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR cmd_line, int cmd_show)
    WNDCLASS            win_class;
    MSG                 msg;    

// create window class and register it
    win_class.style         = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
= Window_Proc;
= 0;
= inst;
= LoadIcon(inst, IDI_APPLICATION);
= LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
= g_class_name;    

if(! RegisterClass(&win_class))
return FALSE;

// create the main window
    g_hwnd = CreateDialog(inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_STREAM), 0, NULL);

    ShowWindow(g_hwnd, cmd_show);

// initialize and configure directsound

// creates and initializes an object that supports the IDirectSound8 interface
    if(FAILED(DirectSoundCreate8(NULL, &g_ds, NULL)))
"Unable to create DirectSound object""Error", MB_OK);
return 0;

// set the cooperative level of the application for this sound device
    g_ds->SetCooperativeLevel(g_hwnd, DSSCL_NORMAL);

// play a streaming sound

// play sound looping
// set volume
// play sound
        g_ds_buffer->Play(00, DSBPLAY_LOOPING);

// start message pump, waiting for signal to quit.
    ZeroMemory(&msg, sizeof(MSG));

while(msg.message != WM_QUIT)
if(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 00, PM_REMOVE))

// stop sound

// kill the thread
    if(g_thread_handle != NULL)
// terminates thread
        TerminateThread(g_thread_handle, 0);

// closes an open object handle

// release the event handle
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

// close .WAV file

// release directsound objects

    UnregisterClass(g_class_name, inst);
return (int) msg.wParam;
